How we share information with parents

At St John's, you will be kept well informed of your child's learning and progress. You will be given an appointment to meet with your child's class teacher every term, as part of our Assertive Mentoring system. The meetings are an opportunity for us to share your child's successes with you and to let you know the areas of learning that they need to work on to improve. We'll talk to you about how we assess, what 'stage' your child is working at and how that corresponds to what is expected for a child of that age, their attitude and behaviour and their attendance. You will be able to ask the class teacher questions and share important information with us about home and what your child's interests are outside of school.
If you are unable to attend the appointment that is given, contact your child's teacher who will be happy to re-arrange the meeting.
We do expect that parents will attend a minimum of 2 meetings a year.
Class blogs are also an excellent way of finding out what your child is learning in school. Teachers update the blogs each week and parents and children have the opportunity to comment too. 
At the end of the school year, your child will receive their final report which will describe what they have learned, enjoyed and attained in each subject of the National Curriculum, as well as a comment by the class teacher and Head Teacher. 
We use an app called Class Dojo as our main means of communicating with parents. Teachers will provide a sign-up code if you need one. Staff are very good at responding to messages, but please be mindful that you may not get a response outside of working hours. The calendar and news page of the website is regularly updated so make sure you log on to find out more. 
Where a child's parents live apart we are happy to provide all reports or letters and hold separate meetings upon request.
And finally, all of the staff at St John's are happy to chat with you informally at the beginning or end of the school day, or by appointment if you need a longer conversation. We will do our best to keep you informed of any problems as quickly as possible so that they can be resolved easily.