
Our school uniform is an important symbol of our school community. We believe that wearing a uniform gives children a sense of belonging and unity. For parents, it takes away some of the pressure of the child asking to wear expensive labelled clothing and the question of what they should wear each day. In essence, it should be cheaper and easier to put a child in uniform than not. 
It is important that uniform is smart but affordable. All of the items of uniform that we require children to wear can be bought from any department store or supermarket. Many items are available to purchase at low cost from the school office. We have no requirement that items must be badged with the school logo, but these can be ordered from the office if requested. 
The most important requirement that we have about shoes is that they are practical; flat shoes with a grip are best so that children can run, jump, climb and play! We ask that no heels, strappy sandals, flip-flops or sliders are worn because they're just not practical and can be a trip hazard. 
Our jewellery policy is also from a practical stance; hooped or dangly earrings can easily be pulled out and tear earlobes so we insist on studs only (and not to be worn for PE). Other jewellery such as necklaces and bracelets can also catch on clothing or be pulled off when playing. Leave them at home to be worn on weekends and holidays only please.
Hairstyles are a great way for people to express themselves and to show their individually or cultural background. All we ask is that children refrain from 'extreme' haircuts; shaved patterns or lines, bright colours etc. If in doubt, please just ask us before the trip to the hairdressers or save it for the summer holiday!
We can support any families who are struggling to provide uniform due to hardship. Please contact Mrs Lishman via the school office on 0191 2735293.