Attendance Spring Term Week 10

5th July 2024

Attendance - 01/07/24 - 05/07/24

Attendance results for the last week -

Red House 94%
Green House 98.4%
Blue house 97.7%
Yellow House 90.4%

Well done to Green House again who had the highest attendance. They were awarded 50 extra points this week.

Well done to Year 2 again who had the highest class attendance with 98.7%.

They have been awarded the attendance trophy in assembly this week, they threw the dice for the monopoly board and won themselves a non uniform day, their teacher will decide when that will happen.

Whole school attendance last week was 95.7%

Whole school attendance so far this year is 94.9%

I am still crying out to see 95% on those figures each week.

Remember lots of rewards to classes, houses and individual students for good attendance.

Please remember to use the absence line to report your child's absence. 01912735293 option 1. Or message me on 07815968699.

Mrs Harrison